The 42-year-old said: “The cashier put three of the packets through and then held one back and said it had to be agreed by her supervisor. I couldn’t understand the reason. Then the supervisor came and said there wouldn’t be enough left for anybody else. I think it’s disgusting. It’s a local store and they should be happy somebody wants to buy the steaks.” Mrs Hicks had wanted the steak to make dinner for herself and her husband, their three children, and her parents.

There were no signs to indicate they were on special offer, which sometimes puts limits on the amounts people can buy. Her mother-in-law had been with her in the shop and said that she would buy the other packet of steak, but Morrisons staff would not let her. Mrs Hicks, who said there were still steaks left on the shelves after she took what she needed, said: “There were so many people standing around in the queue at this point. I just couldn’t believe what was happening. People were absolutely gobsmacked.
“The conversation must have gone on for 15 minutes and in the end I said we would have to agree to disagree. I find it disgusting that it’s a local store and I couldn’t buy enough meat for a family Sunday dinner.” Mrs Hicks bought three packets and then discreetly gave the fourth to another customer, plus money for the meat, and collected it from them outside. Morrisons have now apologised for the incident. A spokesman said: “We are very sorry that Mrs Hicks was unable to purchase the steak she wanted. There had been a system fault on our part that meant that the products couldn’t be processed through the till.”
Low on meat, but bullshit is on discount
"There had been a system fault on our part that meant that the products couldn’t be processed through the till."
Well, enjoy your BSE.
So, they limited the amount of steaks a single person could buy to prevent a customer from leaving the supermarket dissatisfied and with less steaks than they had wanted to buy. Resulting in a customer leaving the supermarket dissatisfied and with less steaks than they had wanted to buy. Job well done?
Typical Morrisons. Customer service leaves a lot to be desired.
My neighbour (74-year-old) mistakenly picked up a bottle of Morrisons' own brand vodka instead of Morrisons' own brand gin (they are fairly similar bottles/labels for anyone who doesn't shop there). She went back the following day to exchange it but they refused as she didn't have the receipt.
End result, she shops at the Asda instead now. Nice one Morrisons!
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