The National Police Directorate announced on Saturday that a group of six alleged con artists from Romania have been arrested for theft, among other things. A 23-year-old woman in the group was allegedly involved in a scam where she and another woman approached vulnerable pensioners, offering cleaning services in their apartments.

She would then dance provocatively in front of the elderly victim, removing her top to expose her breasts. While the pensioner was distracted, her associate would ransack the house for cash and jewels. According to a police report, the latest victim of the suspects - a group of three women and three men who live in a tent camp in Knittelfeld - was an 83-year-old pensioner. He had accepted an offer to clean his apartment from two of the women on July 22.
"Then, while one of the two women distracted the victim by uncovering her upper body and dancing in front of him, the second woman stole jewellery worth several thousand euros from the apartment," explained Group Inspector Silvia Brugger of the Knittelfeld police. In the course of investigation, police found that there were several victims of this type of theft, including some in Neumarkt in Styria and an Upper Austrian nursing home.
I'm guessing there are some German or Austrian settlements there?
I'm sorry, but you've confused me there, Barbwire.
I really don't understand the question. :)
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