Thursday, September 18, 2014

Scotland decides

The background to today's Scottish independence referendum as depicted by the Taiwanese Animators. Comes complete with dodgy Scottish accent.

YouTube link.


  1. YES for democracy and self-determination!

    Let's do this!

  2. It's going to be close, that's for sure.

  3. Personally I feel there should be fewer countries and languages in the world. Nothing is as divisive as "us vs them" or not being able to understand your neighbour. Maybe it's just because I grew up loving science fiction and the idea that we could actually one day have a single planet where people could behave themselves.

    And as for the chinese video.. That a spectacular, solid gold wtf.

  4. I understand the No vote won. I'm part Scots, part English, part Welsh (and some other things), but I would not like to see the United Kingdom divided.

  5. Yes, the No vote won, Barbwire.

    A missed opportunity to be properly free of the corrupt self-serving cesspit that is Westminster.

  6. The venal and cowardly triumphed. Now we'll all pay. Our only chance for democracy gone. Today, I'm ashamed to be Scottish.

  7. arbroath: Whilst I don't contest that they are disagreeable little shites to the last man, I fear that's a pre-requisite to being a politician. If the yes vote won, there would be a new breed of home-grown ones like salmon(d) and sturgeon who one can only hope will swim upstream, have it off and then die.

    Many of politicians in NI are actually murderers. The ones in Oxford.. one of them gave a friend of mine (who was homeless at the time but had a job, was saving up a deposit for his own place but until then was sleeping on a sofa in a friend's house) a bollocking because he was a professional living with students, so the whole household should be paying more council tax. The man was homeless ffs.

    Anywhere you have them the same wormy-arsed ghosts manage to cock it up for everyone.

  8. Yes, you're right, Ratz.

    Still, one can always live in hope that one day a new breed of politicos with an element of honesty and humanity will emerge.

    Or maybe not!

  9. Anonymous11:44 am

    Agree it's a lost opportunity, but I'm not ashamed because of it, just disappointed!

    However, Ratz has a point too. Power and money corrupts all but the best people, and very few politicians are anywhere near the best people.
