Officers found Emma Campbell at 4:14am on Tuesday and after an investigation, arrested and charged her with battery causing bodily harm. Campbell, 20, of Wesley Chapel, left several long, deep scratch injuries on her boyfriend, Alexander McCall’s chest, back and upper right thigh.

Police determined that the fracas was over a blanket. Campbell and McCall, 20, in a relationship for three years, were breaking up and could not agree on who was going to use the blanket. That prompted a fight and a tug of war over the blanket as there was a dispute over the temperature setting of the air conditioning.
Campbell then attacked McCall with her fingernails, police said. “Due to Campbell’s aggressive attacks with her nails, McCall shoved her off of him at which time she landed on the floor,” officers wrote in their report. Campbell claimed McCall cut her lips but police did not see any injuries on her. Campbell was released on Tuesday from the Volusia County Branch Jail on her own recognizance.
"Campbell was released on Tuesday from the Volusia County Branch Jail on her own recognizance."
Yet if he had done that to her, he'd still be in jail. What message are we sending to boys and young men when acts of domestic violence toward them by women go unpunished?
she doesn’t go unpunished, she is going to have to go to court she’s just free until then.
I'm pretty sure the guy is not scared that she's coming back to get the blanket and kill him in the process.
They let guys out that fast too- Just usually depends on the individual department.
Misandry, don't ya just love it?
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