Thursday, November 06, 2014

Naked man ran along rooftops before breaking into house and biting lady in bed on the leg

A San Francisco couple received a rude awakening over the weekend. Police said a naked man broke into their home and attacked them. At around 3am on Sunday morning, residents on Brighton Avenue began to hear loud noises above their homes.

Several neighbours heard the sounds because apparently, the intruder was going rooftop to rooftop before he decided to settle on a yellow house. According to authorities, he broke a side window and then went inside an upper storey of the house.

Police said the intruder was completely naked. He fought with the homeowner and bit him on the shoulder, then jumped into his wife’s bed and bit her on the leg. Officers arrived quickly and took the intruder into custody.

YouTube link.

Neighbours said the burglar had to be restrained to a gurney and the intruder was screaming incoherently. “He was crazy,” said Stephen Wong, an eyewitness. “I saw them take a guy out on a stretcher and put him in an ambulance.” The suspect’s name has not been released.

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