Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Bin defaced by pranksters

A bin in Bromley, south east London, has fallen prey to pranksters. The rubbish holder, which has a cigarette stubbing plate and gum collection spot, has now been transformed into a risqué sign post.

Located by The Mall bus stop going towards Princess University Hospital, along Bromley High Street, it appears someone has scratched off part of the 'G' in gum to change it into a different word.

Leni White was travelling on a bus last week when she spotted the amended signage. She said: "A young friend tells me it was scratched off. From a distance, the top of the bus, it looked very neatly done.

"I wasn't offended, but then I was a teacher so nothing shocks me anymore." Ms White 34, from Blackheath, added: "Admittedly for a brief moment I thought maybe it was some sort of bizarre sexual health campaign but that probably says more about me than whoever did it." It is unclear when the bin was defaced.

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