The vehicle was on loan from a local dealership. Two cars parked inside the garage were damaged. Homeowner George Strother said he and his wife thought there had been an earthquake and didn't know a vehicle had smashed into their garage until Escondido police pounded on their door.

Strother said the "brand new visitor" came through the roof and landed on the hood of his Nissan Pathfinder and knocked the ceiling down across it and his Mazda Miata. He said the driver must have got out the passenger window of the BMW, through a hole in the wall and jumped down onto his ski boat parked outside.
YouTube link.
The house sits about 20 feet below the road and it appears the driver lost control of the vehicle while trying to turn too quickly, Lanigan said. Police found skid marks on the road above the home. "You can see where he was turning onto the side streeet and was going too fast," Lanigan said. "The speed I don't know, but enough that it couldn't make the turn and launched itself." The driver was gone by the time police got to the house. There were no signs of alcohol and no blood in the vehicle to indicate the driver was injured, Lanigan said.
This guy or girl was either drunk or the car is stolen. There's less punishment for leaving the scene of an accident than there is for drunk driving in the states.
I read on another site that the BMW was a loaner from a dealership. That should make it easy to trace the culprit.
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