85-year-old Roberto Capellari, who walks with a slight limp, was crossing the road in Pinerolo, a town near Turin, when he was stopped by officers. He had failed to make it across the road before the green light turned to red, violating the town’s rules.

Residents have long since complained that the traffic light gives pedestrians just a few seconds to get across the street, not allowing enough time for the less able walkers. Signor Capellari was nonetheless slapped with a €41 fine and duly paid within days, earning him a reduction to €28.70.
But on hearing the news the town mayor, Eugenio Buttiero, went round to Signor Capellari's home, giving him €30 and a cake by way of compensation. (Video in Italian). However, local police chief Ermenegilda Aloi suggested his officer was right to fine the elderly man. “In the records, there's a doubt that the man crossed on the green light,” he said.
1 comment:
The police are there to inforce the law, regardless as to whether the law is reasonable, decent, or humane. the rest of us have a responsibility to see that unreasonable laws are modified of repealed.
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