"You know employees talk about customers behind their back and say things like this," ahe said. "But I've never seen anyone put something like this in writing. This falls into the category of 'What were they thinking?'" Brown said the family were having financial difficulties. She'd called Comcast to cancel the cable portion of her account, for which she had to pay a $60 fee.

The representative, however, escalated her call to a retention specialist who tried to persuade her to keep the cable service and sign a new two-year contract. "I am shocked," Brown said. "I was never rude. It could have been that person was upset because I didn't take the offer." Comcast's vice president of communications for the Washington region, said: "We have spoken with our customer and apologised for this completely unacceptable and inappropriate name change.
"We have zero tolerance for this type of disrespectful behaviour and are conducting a thorough investigation to determine what happened. We are working with our customer to make this right and will take appropriate steps to prevent this from happening again." "I'm a bit stunned by this" said Elliott. "Comcast is a big company. They can't control all their employees. But you'd think this is part of the basic training they give to their employees - don't call your customers assholes"
1 comment:
I got rid of Time Warner for Dish, and Dish for DirecTV (at my daughter's request). When I tried to negotiate a lower rate, they wouldn't listen to me. I cancelled, and they bombarded me with calls and emails offering me a very low rate. I told them thy had had their chance. I have Roku now, and can watch Hulu for free.
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