Mr Mulligan, of Alwoodley, said: “It was a totally unprovoked attack. I’ve got a friend who knows someone who was knocked out in similar circumstances and they died as a result. He needs locking up.” Mr Mulligan had been drinking with his rugby team and was standing outside the bar when he was attacked. “I think he might have shouted ‘Oi!’ but the next thing I knew I’d turned round and he’d smacked me in the face and knocked me out. Apparently he was half way down the street before I hit the ground.”

Mr Mulligan didn’t go to hospital until the following day, when he found out he had broken his jaw. He was on soft foods for several weeks. “The fact that I wasn’t more seriously injured is down to luck more than anything,” he said. Police have examined CCTV but are still looking for the attacker over the incident, which happened on December 18. The attacker was described as white, aged in his late twenties to early thirties, about 5ft 10ins tall and of medium to stocky build.
He has brown hair which was longer on top and was wearing a dark red or burgundy long-sleeved top and carrying a jacket. It has been suggested he may have been called Lee. Detective Constable Kate Hutton, of Leeds district CID, said: “The victim was left seriously injured in what we believe was a completely unprovoked attack where it appears he was mistaken for someone the suspect had been involved in scuffle with earlier on the dancefloor. I would like to hear from anyone who witnessed the incident.”
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