I'm unsure how much longer it will continue, however. It takes an enormous amount of time and with the number of visitors continually falling, my head is telling me to stop. Now. Today.
That said, as there are currently 49,060 posts here, my heart is wanting to get to 50,000, so I'll strive to reach this, then reappraise the situation. In the meantime, if you see any posts here you think your friends, family or colleagues would appreciate, I'd be extremely grateful if you'd share them on social media or wherever.
Thanks. And thank you for visiting!
I have been reading it and sharing it for at least 8 years. Wish you all the best Kev.
Oh, Wow! That would really disappoint me, Kevin. There are only a few "must see" sites I look at every single day, and you are one of them. You make my morning no matter what part of the world I'm in at the moment. I hope you do not discontinue this, but that is entirely up to you. Please know that I appreciate what you do each day.
A stellar effort! One of my fav places to visit, but your sanity comes first, Kevin. Perhaps you could reduce posting to weekly?
Thank you for all your efforts. I wish there were something we could do for you. Am sure someone could think of something. I would back it.
all the best,
Happy Anniversary! I do hope you do continue with Nothing to do with Arbroath, as it's a ray of sunshine in every day. Best wishes, PG
I've been enjoying your stuff for years, but via RSS feed - do those show up as hits?
I'd miss this site, anyway.
i love your blog!! please don't go away. i readd it every morning without fail.
As a daily reader, you'll be sorely missed! Thanks for all the years of hard work and best wishes to you!
Arbroath is on of a very few on my "daily" list. I don't use Facebook, Twatter or anything like that, but often email friends with links to your posts. I will miss it if you give up but obviously what you do is up to you. Best of luck!
Would miss your contributions a lot.
A weekly digest would be pretty great too, and it could well take you years to get to 50K at that rate!
Whatever you choose, thanks for all the fish!
Sorry to hear...I read every day !
....I still remember my first visit-- http://arbroath.blogspot.com/2009/08/look-what-popped-up-here.html
You're on my daily list, too. I would hate to see you go. Thanks for 10 years!
Another RSSer here - hope you're including our stats!
I'll be sad if you give up this blog; you are my first stop every morning. I've also noticed how many of your posts the Daily Mail seems to use.
We'll be lost without you. Do what is best for you. We won't judge.
x Cari
Congrats on the anniversary. I only came across your blog 2 years ago and I visit almost every weekday.
You'll be sorely missed should you decide to stop but I wish you all the best.
I visit every day!
I enjoy your blog every day--it is also one of the few websites that my work doesn't block :) I will miss this place if it goes down
Thank you Thank You Thank You etc.
Happy 10 year!
Thanks for my morning reading. I has become my ritual.. and I do share them a lot.. certainly the funny videos and pictures.. or the somewhat weird stories.. lol
Your sanity comes first -- but I do read and enjoy your blog daily!
Do you know if the stats include folks reading via RSS?
I shared your site with our local radio morning show which does "stupid news" a few years ago, and there's a noticeable uptick in stories they do that appear on your site. So consider your reach virtually extended!
I don't remember how i stumbled across this a half-dozen years ago, but its a great daily work distraction and I appreciate your effort!
Noooo, please keep posting! I love all your entries.
Kev, I will join the chorus of those encouraging you to shoot for the 50K goal.
Also a reminder that many of us on blogspot see fewer "visits" on their stats, but that doesn't exactly mean fewer readers, since many followers read remotely without visiting the site directly.
I visit your site 2 or 3 times every week and really enjoy the articles and the uncluttered layout of the pages. If you decide to stop, then my very best wishes for the future and thanks for all you've done to keep us entertained.
As someone else has mentioned - maybe reduce the pressure by only posting every week or so?
Good luck, whatever you decide. Al
Happy 10 year anniversary. Would hate to see you go. I'm a daily reader.
Many happy returns on ten years of awesome blogging! I don't know what I'd do without you.
Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! What an accomplishment! Visiting your site is one of those great things in life that is so ingrained in my daily routine so as to leave a huge void if you were to go away. The web-is-phere would be a poorer place without you. Can't imagine why your numbers are down..I regularly share your posts with friends. I hope you can find a way to stick around. Would be willing to pay if you'd put a button up! Best of luck with whatever you decide.
Kevin, you have brought so much to us all,l and thought I am gutted to think of my morning without my daily fix of appalling and wonderful, you need to take care of your self, and do what is best for you.
It is indeed a monumental effor you have achieved by creating this blizzard doucumrnt of the world, and I hope if you do stop the project that ithe site will remain, there is so much to go back and re-discover.
Thank you for 10 wonderful years!!!!
I read your blog every morning-- thank you so much.
Kevin, I click to your site first thing each morning and have for the last 9 years. Thank you for all of your posts. Please stay with us.
Kev, 100,000 sounds ever so much better to me!! But whatever you decide to do, I know it will be great and you'll do it beautifully. Nevertheless, I can't imagine a morning without your awesome blog, which is the absolute best smoking-replacement therapy in the world!! All my gratitude and respect to you, and happy 10th anniversary!
Thank you so very much for all the years of enjoyment you blog has given me. Whether you know it or not, you have helped me thru some dark times, All the very best to you, and I hope you leave the site up as an archive when you make your last post. I appreciate all your time and effort. You will be missed. xxx
I echo all that's been said in the previous comments. Respect for whatever decision you make, and huge thanks for all you've achieved to date. You'd leave a blimmin' big hole though! x
Congratulations! You do an excellent job and I enjoying reading it every day. If you go, I'll miss you but, you have to do what's best for you.
Oh no!!! I really enjoy your site. Gutted!!!
I totally understand if you can/want not to spend the time anymore. Because, wow, you must spend hours and days finding the appropriate/funny pix (you're seriously good at those). But, apart from the pix, I love your dry captions, your choices, your blog. My mornings would not be the same without my daily fix. And there is no other blog out there with with the same mix of funny, cute, weird.
So: http://youtu.be/ikJony6h_tQ .
This makes me proper sad.
When I finally get agitated enough at work this is the site I go to and it has been that way for 6-7 years.
Simply put, A+ site
May you be ever happy whatever you do.
Bastard <3
I'd miss something from my day if I didn't have my daily dose of Arbroath. It's become a routine for me to have a sarnie and reflect on your daily selection of WTFs. Certainly at work, it's something to look forward to.
I imagine you're a one-man-band, but if you'd like a hand, or spare PC or the like I'd be more than willing to assist.
i'm another RSS reader, i found your site about 3 years ago, and i actually have relatives in arbroath (which is how i found your site originally). i know it doesn't have obvious connections to arbroath, but i still read your posts and would be sad if you disappeared.
Do what feels right, Kev.
Can't believe visitor numbers are falling. This is one of the best things on the internet. Keep up the good work. Please.
Hope you don't give it up!
It will be a travesty if this comes to an end. I found this place about a year ago and have loved and shared it since.
I totally understand what you're going through as I've been contemplating closing down a forum I've been running for some 12 odd years now.
Whatever you decide, I wish you all the best.
Count me as someone else who visits daily. I understand if you have to move on, but thanks, thanks, thanks for making my day better! Cheers!
I understand but you will be missed.
Thank You for the entertainment over the years.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You can't do that. What about meeeeee? ;o)
Seriously, man, I know the time it takes, day in and day out, while trying to keep the quality up. I thank you for that, and all the pleasure you're given us.
While I'm secretly hoping you're just having a spell of mid-winter blues, you'll have to do what's best for you. Whatever that turns out to be, I wish you well.
Ah, Kev, I'd hate to see you drop this. It's one of the few websites I make sure to visit every day.
That said, you need to do what's best for you and what you feel is right.
I truly appreciate all the effort you've put into giving us all a bit of happiness and humor every day.
NTDWArbroath has been a daily stop for years now, and it's obviously a labor of love. If you need a break, you have to put yourself first, but I hope it's just a hiatus and REALLY hope it doesn't happen at all.
Happy (?) Anniversary. I only go to 5 places on the web - email, news, weather and two blogs -- one of which is Arbroath. I found your site through the blog Bits & Pieces -- I'd rather loose email -- at least your blog guarantees a smile every day. I hope you'll reconsider - but will understand if you decide not to continue.
I've read this blog since forever. I'll miss it too but do what you feel is right. :-)
ooh, a quick google search said I've been here since Jan, 2011. 4 years!!
I'll add my voice to all the others that would hate to see you go, but whatever happens you've made me laugh pretty much every day for the last 3 or 4 years since I found your blog.
Also, Happy Belated Blog Birthday!
It's a must read every day. Thanks for your hard work and it is much appreciated.
I read here every morning before work, while I drink tea. You will be much missed. If you can find a way to simply cut back to a manageable level, it would be grand to still have you around. But, it's completely understandable to just stop. It's been great, but all things must pass.
You're one of the most interesting blogs on the webz.
I try and push your site as much as possible.
I'll try and do better if you hang around.
Your efforts are appreciated more than you can know. Try to keep up the good work.
Happy 10th Blogiversary, Kev! I've been a daily visitor since I first found you, probably close to 10 years ago. I save the best for last, and read your blog at night. You find the most interesting stories, and your skill at illustrating them is the finest I've ever seen. I appreciate all the work that goes into this gem, and can understand you might get tired. But I hope you can come up with something other than just stopping. Chris at Cynical-C quit for about six months, but he's back. Maybe a vacation? Maybe once a week? Whatever you decide, I'll understand. But if you end the blog, I will sdorely miss you.
Believe me- I can understand if you want to stop. :)
But just know you have one of the most interesting sites out there and you would be sorely missed.
Mary Jane Anklestraps.
Nulla Tenaci Invia est Via!
Alba an Aigh.
Sure having a lot of visitors is fun and I wish you get the number your dreaming of but know that as little as you feel this number is right now, you have made all those people’s day a little brighter for ten years now and stop it or not you can be really proud of that
I've been checking your site out for 5 or 6 years. I'd hate to see it go away!
Thank you so much for all your kind words!
They really are greatly appreciated.
Some people have asked if RSS readers show up on the stats. The answer to this is I don't know.
To put the falling numbers into perspective, visitors last month, (December), were about 30% down on the previous December, which in turn were about 30% down on December 2012.
That's hardly what I'd call a resounding success.
As I've said I'll continue posting for now, but if the decline isn't halted, I'm not sure I can justify the time spent any more.
Apart from the fact it's disheartening.
Hopefully things will pick up. I suppose only time will tell.
I look at this site last thing before going to bed, as soon as it is posted. It is one of the few things that I always look at. I appreciate the selection, and will miss this if it goes.
This page is bookmarked. My morning surf never misses Arbroath. Love it. Thank you.
Thank you very much for all your hard work! I understand the need to move on and wish you well in the future, thank you again for such a lovely site!
from MN, USA
Oh no please don't go! I've been reading your great stuff via Iotwreport.com and would hate to see you hang it up!
A hiatus perhaps, but please don't shutter your site!
You're one of my favorite sites ! Please keep up the great work :)
I was just made aware of your site. The comments make me wish I found it sooner! im getting busy going back through your archives. Best wishes!
Big Fur Hat has recommended this site and I will boost your readership by one. Thank you for holding on.
I was just turned on to your blog by a friend and after reading (and sharing) some posts, hope you decide to continue! You've got some great stuff here!
This is my absolute favorite blog. Know that you are greatly appreciated and would be sorely missed.
But where will I get my news? ;-)
My wife made me aware of your site through a posting on I OWN THE WORLD. I will put you on my list of sites to visit regularly and will recommend you to the people on my mailing list.
I really hope you don't stop the blog. I've discovered your blog some years ago, through this time, I've changed countries, changed computers but the constant thing I always have is your blog stickied on my explorer. I visit your blog when I'm feeling down and I always manage to go away feeling better whether its because of some unbearably cute kitten puppy picture or some weird news. But if you do decide to stop this blog, thank you for keeping me entertained all this time.
Don't go. I have just been made aware of your site by IOTWreport.com and have bookmarked it. Please continue your good work.
I, too, have just found your site through IOTWreport and have added it to my bookmarks.
I'd like an order of stuff and nonsense please. In fact, I'll take two!
I like your posts about critters. The elephant video is precious.
I bookmarked you after BigFurHat posted an article about you in iOTWreport: http://iotwreport.com/?p=271673
Hope you can hang around another ten years...or more!
I've just been made aware of your site by bigfurhat. I've added you to my blogfeed and hope you decide to hang around for awhile.
I love Arbroath and would be most disappointed if you decide to pack it in. You are the 4th site I visit every single day, for at lest 5 or 6 years now.
Keep up the good (ridiculous) work!
i look forward to your blog every single day and others do too as it's quoted quite often. Hope to add to the encouragement. You are the bright spot each morning. And just think how much you have learned about our state of Florida and the critters who live there. Cheers from the US. Hope you can keep going!
Thank You for all the work that you've put into the blog. I know how much time it takes to do .I've been checking it regularly for years and will miss it when it goes, In the meantime, I'll try and find some more ppl to come and check it out
I just discovered your site and am scrolling back. Nice place you have here!
Like many others have said, I/ visit here every day and would be sorry to see it go.
You put so much hard work into it and maybe you would be lost without it?
But you have to do whats best for you, maybe just weekly as has been suggested.
Either way I wish you all the best
A plea from across the pond to continue. Here in the US it sometimes seems as if we are the entire world aside from crises or disasters. Your blog is a continuing demonstration that ordinary people, good, bad and indifferent, are the true norm everywhere. And, your assortment is entertaining, as well. Don't let your reader's sloth in commenting kill off this blog. Your continued sanity, that's another story. Truly hope you continue but whatever you decide, thank you for the last several years I've been enjoying your work. I wish you long life and a prosperous future.
Although I frequently repost things from Arbroath I just posted a general recommendation about your blog on my FB post encouraging all my friends to check it out.
I quite enjoy your frivolous nonsense!
Love your blog, I'm a daily visitor and would be sad to see it go. I'll make sure and share a few more posts!
Whenever I need a laugh or a smile I always come to Arbroath, and Arbroath never lets me down. I'm an RSS follower so my views might not always show up but I've been reading for years. Thanks for all the great times and I support whatever decision you end up making!
I never leave comments on web sites. Never. The fact that I am doing so now only shows that I appreciate yours far too much to allow it to disappear without saying that it is one of my favorites, and I will truly mourn its passing. I hope that you can find your way to continue to bring us the entertaining and amusing articles that you are so good at finding, but I will also understand if you cannot. Thanks for everything. - A fan from Texas, USA
please don't stop!!! I have gone to this blog every day for years!!! I do not get this information any where else! And the first animal pic of the day makes my day every day!
I don't visit often but that is because I like to 'save' up a bunch of stuff for a lengthy evening of perusing!
If you stop, I will be sad. Sad sad sad. Do you really want to be responsible for a sad woman in Austin Texas?
I come every day and I will miss you! But thank you for all the years of entertainment!
You might ask your readers to turn off their Ghostery/AdBlock/etc... extentions as well.
I just realized I was not being counted. Now I am!
Have to agree, one of the best sites ever. I love coming here. Great videos, great laughs. Take care of yourself and I hope you can continue somehow. I hate change. Thank you and good luck.
I love this blog, and regularly share your posts with friends and family. I subscribe via an RSS aggregator so am not sure if that means I don't show up as a visitor or not? It'll be sad to see you go but if you do thanks for all the wonderful things you've shared. :-)
Be sorry to see you give it up, but can understand the lack of desire to keep doing the amount of work it involves though. Hopefully more people will visit and convince you the effort is worthwhile.
Whatever you decide, many thanks for doing it for so long.
will be sorry to see you stop blogging
I read your blog every day
it is one of my favourite sources for quirky and interesting news stories
I am also a daily reader on RSS - not sure if the pageviews show or not. Love this blog, have been reading for 3 years now! Of course your readers will support whatever decision you make, but perhaps you have more options than going cold turkey! Maybe adding on another content finder/poster and sharing the workload? In any case, best of luck!
Hey, thanks for the fantastic website over these years, as I would be sad to not have updates anymore, please do whatever you feel, it's only normal to move on and change :)
All the best
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