But an appellate panel said Applebee's can't be held responsible because the hot food posed an "open and obvious" danger. According to the ruling, Jimenez ordered fajitas that were placed in front of him in a "sizzling skillet." When he bowed his head "close to the table," the ruling says, Jimenez heard "a loud sizzling noise, followed by 'a pop noise' and then felt a burning sensation in his left eye and on his face."

In an incident report prepared for Appelebee's, Jimenez said he was burned on his face, neck and arms after "grease popped" on the fajitas. His lawsuit said a waitress did not warn Jimenez that the dish was hot. It argued Jimenez suffered "serious and permanent" injuries "solely as a result of (Applebee's) negligence when he came in contact with a dangerous and hazardous condition, specifically, 'a plate of hot food'."
A trial judge dismissed the suit, finding Applebee's, a California-based chain with more than 1,900 restaurants, was not required to warn Jimenez "against a danger that is open and obvious." Jimenez appealed, but a two-judge panel came to the same conclusion. It noted business owners are required to "discover and eliminate dangerous conditions, to maintain the premises in safe condition and to avoid creating conditions that would render the premises unsafe." But it said the risk posed by the hot platter was "self-evident." Applebee's, the ruling said, "had no duty to warn (Jimenez) that the food was sizzling hot and should be approached with due care."
Christians are not big on personal responsibility.
I am not sure that Christians pray over food, they just give thanks, thanks to the god that put that big lump of popping grease right where it would burn the idiot, I mean, devout praying type person.
Ha, god, if you don't believe in that omnipotant white male in the clouds, you will burn in hell.
Nice bloke, that god fella.
Bit silly why he made so many morons though.
Please accept my thanks for using the most user friendly method of me being able to prove I am not a robot.
I have no idea how it works, and, unusual for me, I don't care, I just really appreciate the ease of use, just hit the square next to "I am not a robot".
I'm so proud of the court! They made a great decision. I get sick and tired of reading about idiots who get huge payouts for being stupid or clumsy.
C'mon Hiram. Get your shit together! Life lesson for you : if making your case in court ever involves admitting that your are dumb as a freakin rock, it's best to walk away from that case. You will not only lose the case but you'll also lose your dignity.
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