Pat had got out of the shower and noticed a ”strange smell” wafting around her house. She peered over her bannisters and noticed a large cow pat on the carpet at the bottom of the stairs. She then spotted a set of hoof prints leading from the mess in the hall which led her to the culprits, two cows in her TV room.

The bovine intruders had wandered her corridors and negotiated a snooker table before ending up in her lounge. Pat, 70, keeps the two island-bred cows as pets and they live in a plastic hutch in her yard. But the cows, known as Five and Six, had trod mud and cow mess into her white carpets. Pat said: “I knew they could open the door but I forgot to lock it. They came in through the kitchen, along the corridor, round the snooker table and into the study where they scattered a pile of my papers.

“Then they made their way back along the corridor and into the small TV room where we found them. I only describe their route because, as they’d left a large cow pat and walked through it, it was clearly marked by their foot prints.” Pat said that despite the mess they left behind, cleaning up “wasn’t too difficult”. She said: “I just let their prints dry and vacuumed them up and sprayed. I sprayed just everywhere. They were just naughty boys and they were inquisitive. But they are lovely really.”
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