Saturday, June 27, 2015

Council request that people desist from flushing their underpants down toilets

Underpants are causing untold issues for Clarence Valley Council in New South Wales, Australia, with residents flushing their apparel through the sewerage system. Intimate clothing isn't the only thing blocking the pipes with the council also finding rags and face wipes. The council's director of works and civil, Troy Anderson said the system at Lawrence and Iluka was the worst.

Mr Anderson said the problem is costing the council and in the end ratepayers money. "Particularly if it's after hours, we've got men and vehicles on penalty rates, all that's doing is coming back to the ratepayer which will increase costs, increase rates and increase service levels," Mr Anderson said. "It has the potential to cause a health risk if it was undetected," he added.

The council said the sewerage system is unique because the council can trace the origin of the material. Mr Anderson said if people don't stop putting the material down their toilets, the council will be knocking on doors. "Because it's a pressure based system and requires pumping units at each of the houses we can trace back to which house has taken the action.

"We've got photos of where its come from and if they are caught around the pumping propeller we'll have the evidence to take to them as well, they'll be able to see it first-hand," Mr Anderson said. "I hesitate to offer reasons for it, but one of the main issues is underpants being flushed down the toilet that wrap around the pump impeller."

1 comment:

  1. Dunex2:39 pm

    Nail the tards, no grown person is under the impression that the sewage system is a mysterious black hole. :)
