Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Firefighters rescued duck trapped in tree

A crew from Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue were called to the Welsh Wildlife Centre near Cardigan last week after a birdwatcher spotted a Mallard duck stuck in an empty owl nesting box.

The firefighters used a ladder to get to the stuck fowl and cut it free. The duck then flew-off, seemingly none-the-worse for its ordeal. Gareth Williams, head chef at the centre's cafe, said he had been approached by the concerned twitcher.

He said: "We've had Tawny owls nesting in the box for many years but it is empty at the moment. The tree is over-hanging the marshes we have here, and we couldn't get to it.

"I called the fire service and told them it wasn't an emergency or anything, but they came straight away. I don't know why she thought an owl box would be a good place to build a nest." The empty owl box has since been taken down to avoid any repeat incidents.

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