Thursday, June 18, 2015

Toad in the bowl rescued from office toilet

David Radley was surprised when got up off the toilet at work on Monday morning and saw a toad staring back at him. The 42-year-old had just pulled the flush when he saw the head of the amphibian poking out from under the rim.

He called colleague Chris Park who arrived in a pair of gloves and plucked the toad from its hiding place. It was then safely returned to its normal habitat outside at the Nene Park Trust wildlife site in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.

David, a visitor services officer at the 1,700-acre park, said: "I saw something moving under the rim of the toilet. On closer inspection I realised what it was. It gave me quite a fright, I had a really lucky escape that it didn't jump at me while I was using the loo.

 "It couldn't have got up into the rim so it must've gone through the sewage system, I don't know how it managed to do it. Chris and I were scratching our heads over how we were going to remove it as it was really stuck. He grabbed some rubber gloves and just grabbed it. We then freed it back into the park."

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