Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Woman claims Botox injections help her smoke less

A woman from Vancouver, Washington, says she's reduced her smoking habit by 75 percent with the help of Botox.

"My upper lip is paralysed by the injections so I can't close my lips around a cigarette," explained Kelly Greenwood. "There's no pucker." Greenwood received injections on each side of her upper lip in May.

"Kelly was smoking a pack and a half a day and told me she had tried everything with no success," said Dr Allen Gabriel. "I'm down to about 10 a month," said Kelly. "And that's quite an accomplishment for me."

YouTube link.

Dr Gabriel considers Botox a stop-smoking option for those trying to get over the initial hump of quitting. "It does require motivation. Kelly really wanted this and that's key in her success."

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