Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Python made high-wire escape bid along telephone line after slipping out of window

A python was caught making a bid for freedom across a telephone wire 20ft up in the air. The python's high-wire escape act was spotted over a quiet residential street in North Wales by worried neighbours.

Police say the Burmese python escaped its tank and managed to climb out of the upstairs window before slithering along the telephone wire at a property in Anglesey. The Burmese python was photographed mid-flight by Sergeant Rob Taylor.

Sgt Taylor, from North Wales Police's rural crime unit, said the Asian python managed to make it across the wire to the opposite house and was halfway down the drainpipe before it was captured. "The vast majority of people who own reptiles keep them in secure tanks - but for those who don't this is a timely reminder to do so," he said.

The Burmese python is native to a large variation of tropic and subtropic areas of Southern and Southeast Asia. They often live near water but are good climbers and can be found in the treetops of jungles catching birds. Special care is required when handling them as a three-metre long Burmese python is capable of killing a child and a five-metre long snake is capable of overpowering and killing a fully grown adult. The python, who has not been named, was returned safely to his owner with advice on keeping him secure.

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