NT Police Duty Superintendent Louise Jorgensen said the 28-year-old "very drunk" man had been out on the town in Darwin and had called it a night at about 3:15am on Sunday. He made his way to what he believed was his apartment in a large complex in the CBD area.

The man however had arrived at the apartment next to his own. "He tried to get inside and couldn't, so he knocked on the door. He got no response to that, so he kicked the door in," Superintendent Jorgensen said. She said the "startled resident" of that apartment managed to put on some clothes before confronting the intruder.
"A fight started ... and the occupant managed to subdue the man and pin him down," she said. "By the time the police arrived the intruder had fallen asleep and he was snoring." The man was taken into custody and spent the night at the police headquarters. He was later charged with criminal damage and has been bailed to appear in court on Tuesday.
Something similar happened to my neighbour. The police buzzed the front door and I let them in.. I stuck my head over the banisters to check it really was the police only to find them letting an incredibly drunk neighbour into the flat adjacent to his own. It would appear the guy who lived there doesn't bother locking his front door; he will now. Up the stairs there came the bellow of "Peter! Peter! You don't live here! You live NEXT DOOR!" followed by some apologetic police herding the drunk back out again for round two of where does Peter live.
I keep being amazed that people have doors that open inwards. Here you need a battering ram to get passed a door, trying to kick one down ends up with you limping or breaking your foot. (true story about limping)
Traditional wooden doors open inwards in order that the jamb will protect the mortice. Upvc doors open outwards, the locks are covered by the door which overlaps the frame. An outward opening traditional for would be very easy to break into as the motive would be exposed.
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