Sunday, November 22, 2015

Lady warns about dangers of cooking cheese on toast in toaster after using Facebook tip

When pensioner Suzanne Dale saw some advice about how to cook cheese on toast using a toaster on Facebook she thought she would give it a try. But she is now warning others not to repeat her mistakes after almost seeing her kitchen go up in flames. Suzanne, 66, decided to make herself the cheesy snack on Wednesday afternoon.

Earlier on in the day she saw a tip on Facebook which suggested turning the toaster on its side to make cheese on toast. But a few minutes after Suzanne placed the bread and cheese slices in the appliance it began to smoke. She immediately unplugged the toaster and rushed outside as huge flames appeared. It took around 20 minutes until the fire was out and hours for the smoke to clear from Suzanne’s home in Sale, Cheshire. She luckily escaped with no injuries.

Suzanne said: “I just thought ‘oh I’ll try that’. I don’t know why, I have griddles and everything to make cheese on toast. I thought it might be a faster way of making cheese on toast. If I was stupid enough to do it someone else will be.” She added: “Luckily I live in a house and have a garden, but if it was anyone living in a flat or somebody who was less agile who couldn’t get out as quick, they were real flames, it could be dangerous. I don’t want anybody to be doing that in a flat or anyone who could not get out quick.

“I didn’t want to throw water on it, there was so much smoke going off. Hopefully it will save somebody doing it.” A spokesman for Greater Manchester Fire Service said: “We recommend people always take care and pay attention to anything they are cooking in the kitchen. Only use kitchen appliances in accordance of manufacturers instructions. Trying to make cheese on toast in a toaster is an extremely bad idea and can cause a devastating fire in the kitchen.”


WilliamRocket said...

Nominated for Darwin Awards.

Gareth said...

To paraphrase my grandma: "If facebook told you to jump off a cliff would you do that too?"