Saturday, November 21, 2015

Red panda on the loose after escaping from zoo

Masala, a young female red panda, is missing from the Sequoia Park Zoo in Eureka, California. City staff and the Eureka Police are searching for her.

Gretchen Ziegler, zoo manager, said staff got a report late on Thursday afternoon from "someone in the community that they saw a red panda in their neighbourhood." At that point staff confirmed that that they were one panda short and an animal was missing from its enclosure.

"We have no idea how she got over the fence," said Ziegler. "It's contained red pandas since it was built. Animals can do things you can't imagine. We're going to try to figure it out." Ziegler added that there are a number of concerns about Masala's safety. "She's only been in the panda exhibit her whole life so she's pretty naive. We'll be searching all day and all night," she said.

The City of Eureka have issued a statement saying: One of the City’s Red Pandas has escaped from the Zoo and has been seen in the Sequoia Park forest behind the Zoo. The Red Panda is NOT a danger to humans. Zoo staff is concerned for the safety of the Red Panda. City staff along with EPD are searching for the panda. If anyone sees the Red Panda, please don’t try to approach or capture. Please call the police.

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