Saturday, November 21, 2015

Wild boar terrorised residents of Istanbul after swimming across the Bosporus

A wild boar emerging from the shores of the Bosphorus river terrorised local residents while rampaging through the Beykoz district of Istanbul, Turkey, on Thursday.

The crazed animal crashed its way through the busy streets of the district, in the Asian side of the city, evoking a reception of mixed hysteria and humour from locals. The unusual incident was captured by several locals and CCTV footage.

Initially the animal was spotted wading its way through the Bosphorus before barrelling through the busy streets attempting to get into shops. A rise in boar sightings has been blamed on construction work in the northern forests of Istanbul's European side.

YouTube link.

The ever expanding growth of Istanbul to cater for its growing populace is threatening the boars natural habitat. Construction work in these areas has meant the boars are having to relocate to the Asian side of the city.

1 comment:

Ratz said...

Where's Obelix when you need him?