Thursday, December 10, 2015

Lost piglet found in care of horses

A horse breeder who found a newborn piglet in her stables thinks it may have been carried there by a fox. The piglet was nestled among straw used by mustangs, but the stables owner has no idea where it came from. Martine Lettau, from Tuddenham St Mary in Suffolk, said: "Mustangs are quite renowned for seeing off predators."

The piglet was taken to a nearby pig farm, but its manager said it was "unlikely" it had come from there originally. Ms Lettau said she found the piglet "rustling and squeaking" in the stable on Monday morning. "The only thing I can imagine is that a fox carried the piglet off when it was born, carried it over a mile here and happened to come through the paddock," she said.

"The foals might have then chased the fox off and the piglet got herded into the stable. When I found the piglet and it started squealing, some of the mustangs came over from the paddock to see what I was doing to it, so they must have taken ownership." Ms Lettau said she took the piglet to a neighbouring farm in the Mildenhall area.

The farm manager, who did not wish to be identified, said that as it was only a day old he could not confirm if it had been born in one of his fields, but the piglet had put it with a sow and it was weaning. He said: "I think it would be highly unlikely for a fox to carry a piglet for a mile, let alone for it to have no mark or injury as a result. If the piglet's temperature dropped by even a couple of degrees it would not have survived."


Shak said...

I never thought in a million years that our little village would become part of Nothing to do with Arbroath, but here it is. We have 400 people in our village. I don't recognize this lady because she doesn't go into the pub. lol I will definitely be showing this article at the pub. I'm sure there are plenty there who will recognize her.

WilliamRocket said...

Shak, are you in America ?
Recognise has no ZEEEE.
Suggest you find a young person to alter your spell check to English English, rather than that American made up stuff, color, theater, center, liters, attack the world, etcetera.
Anyhow, the pig was born in a manger with no conception haven taken place or at least seen to have taken place, it must be the child of god.
Praise be to the pig, for he art our true saviour.
That's more believable than that bloke that walked on water, without sinking in a pool of make believe.
Lordy, Harry potter is more believable than the christian, muslim, Buddhist or any of the other fallacies.
Drink the blood of Harry, get to visit heaven.