Mark Seddon referred to the new partner as a “fat bellied codhead” when he posted the message via What’s App to his ex.

Seddon, 48, of Thornton-Cleveleys, Lancashire, pleaded guilty to sending a grossly offensive electronic message. At Blackpool Magistrates’ Court he was fined £500 with £85 costs and ordered to pay £50 victims’ surcharge.
He was also put on a two year restraining order which banned him from contacting the complainant. John McLaren, defending, said the breakdown between the couple had not been smooth. During the relationship Seddon said he had been paying back money his girlfriend owed her mother. He said he was sorry he had done it.
I would hardly call that grossly offensive, inventively rude perhaps.
So, really, you can be arrested for that now?
If being called a "fat-bellied codhead" is the worst that happens to me this year, I'll be blissfully happy.
Now then. One must ask where on Earth did you procure exact picture? Ha ha!
But then I haven't googled the term.
I think it's brilliant photo shopping, fred.
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