According to Royal Mail, Bella the cat is a "threat" to staff and has been putting "fingers at risk of injury". But owner Matthew Sampson, said he was "shocked" by the notice as he has "never seen her get aggressive". The letter states: "I'm writing to let you know that we're experiencing difficulties in delivering mail to your address because of the actions of a cat at your property.

"As a result, a health and safety risk assessment has been carried out, and has determined that the level of threat requires actions to be taken to ensure the safety of its delivery staff . . . Your postman has reported that when he pushes the mail through your letterbox your cat snatches the mail and puts his fingers at risk of injury. Please, therefore, either ensure that the cat is restrained at all times away from the back of the letterbox, or provide an alternative safe delivery point for your property."

Mr Sampson said he "understands where the postman is coming from" but had found the letter "really funny". "We've noticed over the last couple of days that the postman is very hesitant at putting the letters in and Bella thinks it's a game that he's trying to play," he said. "I haven't seen her put her paws all the way through but I think it's fair what they're saying - it's just how they're worded the letter. As to restraining the cat - I'd no way dare."
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