They probably couldn’t believe their eyes as well as their ears when they looked out of their windows and saw their neighbour, 52-year-old Kenn Barnes performing Hendrix classics on his roof. The guitarist, who plays in a band called NRG and has been playing guitar for more than 30 years, said he did it for a bet.

“I had scaffolding put up outside my house so I could fix my leaking chimney,” he said. “My mate Martin Whitcombe suggested that I do a Brian May when he played on the roof of Buckingham Palace and play on the roof decking. I toyed with the idea for a week or so and on Saturday the scaffolding was due to come down and Martin was still saying - ‘you will only get one chance.’
YouTube link.
“So Saturday morning at 7am, I took my guitar amp and guitar up the scaffold and at 8am, I started playing a mix of Hendrix songs - Voodoo Chile and Hey Joe, much to the amusement of the neighbours.” And instead of being livid at their rock ’n’ roll wake-up call, Kenn’s neighbours appear to have been amused at his unorthodox rock theatrics. “They seem to have forgiven me for waking them. I just wish I had done it for charity but it was an impulsive, last minute thing.”
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