“The officer turned around to thank him and recognised him,” said Rossi-Cafarelli. “He asked if his name was ‘Kayvon,’ and he said, ‘No, Kevin.’” The officer went to his cruiser and looked up Mavaddat on his computer and recognized “Kevin” as “Kayvon” and went back and arrested him. Mavaddat had a Framingham District Court warrant that charged him with driving with a suspended licence and a signal violation, police said.

According to police, Mavaddat also had two Natick District Court warrants. One charged him with possession of heroin and the second charged him with shoplifting, police said. Once Mavaddat was in court, his plight worsened. On Monday, Mavaddat’s probation officer, David DiGiorgio asked Judge Martine Carroll to hold Mavaddat without bail, pending a probation surrender hearing. He said Mavaddat has not appeared in court for months, has skipped all of his court-ordered drug tests and has not paid any probation fees.
He said Mavaddat has a history of not completing probation. Mavaddat’s lawyer, Jackeline Meireles, argued for her client’s release. “The difference here is he just started a job, so he has money, and he can start paying the money back,” said Meireles. “He can pay $200 tomorrow.” Mavaddat told the judge he would be fired from his job if he was held. Carroll ordered Mavaddat held without bail until a probation surrender hearing on June 9.
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