The theft was captured on the restaurant’s security cameras, the thief rolling a wheelbarrow onto the porch just before 10pm on Wednesday. The shirtless man bent slightly to set down the wheelbarrow, exposing the top of his posterior and earning him the name “butt crack bandit” from owner Angela Cotta.

However, the bandit then left, maybe to retrieve a shirt because he was wearing one upon his return 15 minutes later. He spoke on a cellphone while he paced in front of the business. “This guy’s got to live darn close if he’s toting around a wheelbarrow,” Cotta said about the incident. “Or maybe he has a night-time landscaping service where he pillages plants.”
For whatever reason, this video has been censored.
YouTube link.
The man proceeded to pull plants from a planter next to the front door: coleus and impatiens, according to Cotta. He then went for the Japanese maple, yanking hard on two of them but conceding defeat. He left with the plants in the wheelbarrow, walking in the opposite direction from which he arrived. Anyone with information about the theft should contact Turlock police.
You can watch the full, uncensored, security video here.
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