"I was at the top of the steps when I noticed something out on the water about three-quarters out," said Mr Bligh, who then started filming it. Mr Bligh, who also noted there was a boat about 400 yards away, said there appeared to be four to five humps, about 6ft apart, which moved together. "It was quite long," he said. "The humps were consistently the same length apart. I don’t know what it was. It was very unusual."
Mr Bligh, who was with a friend, Annie Hawkes, showed his film to staff in VisitScotland’s Inverness office. "They were really excited by it," he said. "It is interesting everyone who has seen it." They include Adrian Shine of the Loch Ness Project which gathers scientific information on the loch’s ecology and the potential for a monster. But rather than confirming the image is, indeed, of Nessie, Mr Shine maintained it was an optical illusion created by the wake of a boat.
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"It is a particularly good example of the effect that a reasonably high boat wake can make. It shows how powerful this illusion could be. It produces a line of very solid looking humps." However, as he headed home to Ireland, Mr Bligh remained unsure of what the film revealed, especially given the uniformity with which the "humps" moved. "I am tending towards the wake of a boat, I am an engineer and I am on the side of logic," he said.
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