Biologist Mike Harris and veterinarian Dr Heather Harris went out on a boat with the Morro Bay Harbor Patrol in hopes of locating the mother. A representative from the center said: "Mike and Heather took the pup by boat through Morro Bay, testing responses from multiple adult females by presenting the pup in front of other sea otters. The otters looked up but wouldn't approach the boat.
"They knew they had found the mother when she responded immediately to the pup's vocalisations and swam over to the boat to retrieve her pup." Once they knew they'd found the right otter, the pup was tossed far enough away from the boat for her to come get it. This was the best way to get him in the water, according to the center.
YouTube link. Original Facebook video.
"Sea otter pups physically can't sink ... even if you held one underwater it would just going boing back to the surface," the center explained, adding of Mike, "He knew the pup would be just fine with a gentle toss." The mother otter popped out of the water to get her baby and the two floated away together. Sea otter reunions in the wild are rare and in this case it's likely that the pup's life was saved.
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