A man was so infuriated by the noise of “loud panting” coming from under the stairs at the entrance to his house that he called officers at around 11pm, a police spokesperson said on Thursday. Having searched the premises from top to bottom, the police finally discovered two suspects.

A pair of hedgehogs had been mating in the cosy little spot for about 20 minutes. But, had they not been caught, the irate man would have been disturbed for a good while longer. An expert from the veterinary department of Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich explained that the act normally 'lasts several hours'.
“Hedgehogs groan loudly during the act and the male makes most of the noise”, the animal specialist added. Which explains why the “suspicious sounds” were so excessively frustrating to the resident. Luckily the aggravated man wasn’t disturbed for too long. The pair of hedgehogs fled immediately in the light of the policemen's torches.
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