Looking acrobatic and almost vertical, the man fell into the bar as the door he was climbing through opened of its own accord. CCTV footage inside the pub shows the man then walk up to the front bar and patiently wait for someone to serve him. After realising no one was around, he turned and walked out the door he had struggled so hard to get through on the way in. Howl at the Moon CEO Lou Cerantonio said he had received a call from the alarm company just after 3am and had driven down to find a hole in the back door.

"I thought, okay, I am 57, I don't need to be a hero so I called the cops and waited for them out in the driveway," he said. "We went in and walked through, nothing was missing, nothing damaged. (We watched back the CCTV footage) and sure enough, we had the funniest experience of our life watching this guy trying to get in for a drink. I was pissed off at quarter past three in the morning but when I saw that footage it almost made it worthwhile getting up that early."

YouTube link.
A Queensland Police Service spokeswoman said the man had handed himself to Springfield Police on Friday morning and charges were expected to be laid. Mr Cerantonio said the man did the right thing handing himself in. "I don't want to press charges but I think it is at that stage now with police where it is too late," he said. "He has said he will pay for whatever damages, so he has done the right thing, he has done the smart thing because his face is very clear in the video. I think he was wondering how he got all these scratches and things all over his body, I think he has put two and two together and thought, shit, is that how it happened?"
There's an additional news video here. You may need to unmute it.
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