Prosecutor Neil Pallister told Newcastle Crown Court: “While in custody, the defendant was subjected to a full body search and 13 wraps of white powder were found strapped to his penis and testicles. On them being discovered, he said ‘It’s whizz, for personal use’.” He had used sellotape to hold the drugs in place and Wright said he had been trying to hide them from his wife.

Wright, who has served prison sentences for burglaries in the past, had been arrested by police who caught him trying to break into a house in Sunderland, on August 25. He admitted attempted burglary and possession of amphetamine. Recorder Christopher Williams sentenced Wright, who has spent a month in custody on remand, to 15 months imprisonment, suspended for 18 months, with rehabilitation requirements. The judge said he accepted Wright had done well since his release from prison.
He told him: “I accept you are disappointed in yourself. It is in your hands now.” Alec Burns, defending, said, despite Wright’s bad criminal record, he had found work since his last jail term and was staying away from trouble. Mr Burns said: “He was taking amphetamine to allow him to work longer hours. He had to buy the drugs and got into debt. He was hiding the fact he was using drugs again from his wife, who would have stopped him had she known.“ Mr Burns said the attempted break-in was a blip, not a sign Wright, who still has a job open to him, was going back to his “old ways”.
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