The man who offered his top to the woman to cover her as she strode through the town centre near to churches, Doncaster Museum and the police station said she seemed "happy in herself" and proclaimed that she had "love in her heart" Darren Rafferty said: "I went outside and she was walking past, totally naked. I did a double take as its not every day you see a naked woman out on the street."
Mr Rafferty says that he realised a group of children had witnessed the scene and so he offered her his top to spare her blushes. He added: "I said to her 'cover yourself up or you are going to get done for this'. She seemed oblivious to the fact that she was in the middle of the street with nothing on but she looked happy and was saying: 'I've got love in my heart.'"

Mr Rafferty said that the woman spoke in broken English, possibly with an Eastern European accent and was picked up by a police car nearby a few moments later. He added: "I am not sure if she was on something or had issues. She seemed okay and happy in herself and was talking, although it was difficult to understand."
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