The cat was then rushed to vets to be freed from the contraption and placed under observation in case she had eaten some poison. Inspector Suzi Smith said: "This poor little puss was well and truly stuck. She had put her head in to a rat trap - possibly whilst chasing a mouse or rat and got stuck. I rushed her to a nearby vets with the trap still attached as there was no way we could remove it without her being sedated.

"We are not sure how long she had been in there. Thankfully once the box was removed she looked a lot happier and the initial tests to check her health look good. She'll be staying at the vets initially so she can be monitored as there is the possibility she ate some of the rat poison that was in the trap. At the moment we don't know if she has an owner that is missing her so we would urge anyone that knows where she has come from to contact us.

"She is such a sweet little thing - she has been through quite a lot." This case also highlights the importance of checking any traps that have been put down as they can attract many different animals - and cause problems. The RSPCA approves of live traps only when the trap is capable of restraining an animal without causing pain, injury or distress and the trap is visited at least every 12 hours.
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