According to a police report, just after midnight on Monday morning, an officer spotted Patrick Butler driving a silver Nissan Frontier erratically. Butler swerved to avoid a kerb and also crossed the centre line several times, police allege.

The officer pulled the Nissan over and when he walked up to the vehicle, he watched Butler spray AXE body spray into his mouth. When the officer asked him why he was doing that, Butler said he was spraying himself from head to toe.
According to the report, Butler's eyes were bloodshot and glossy and he told the officer that he was driving back from Columbia, where he had two beers and a shot of Jack Daniels while watching football. Police said Butler failed the field sobriety tests and was arrested and charged with DUI.
It's a wonder the Axe spray didn't kill him. That stuff smells so vile that one day when one of y grandsons showed up sporting it quite generously, I made him take a shower and put his bathing trunks on while I washed his clothes.
Such behavior not only puts the individual's life at risk but also poses a potential danger to others on the road. It's essential for law enforcement agencies to remain vigilant and take appropriate measures to address such situations.
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