Thursday, June 15, 2006

Nanny state tells dads-to-be: don't have a fling

Men will be told by the UK Government "not to have affairs" while their wives are pregnant in a taxpayer-funded information pack on how to be better fathers.

The Dad Pack, launched yesterday at a cost of £50,000, is illustrated with cartoons and proffers advice to fathers-to-be such as "Bite your lip, not your partner, when she is ratty".

The pack suggests euphemistically that men will tire of "taking themselves in hand" when their wives are too weary for sex, but they need to give their wives the "feel-good factor".

"We're talking massaging her, hot baths together - but no sex, no pressure (if that makes you horny, sort yourself out beforehand)," it says. "Don't have an affair."

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