A wigmaker to the stars, Regina is now designing hairpieces for dogs: braids, curls, and extensions that can be dyed, highlighted and styled to order for pampered pets.
The "Yappy Hour," a cascade of curls, can be custom made with synthetic or human hair and dyed any color, including pastels. With openings for ears and an elastic band to hold it in place, it's a good choice for hairless dogs, she explains.
The "Peek a Bow Wow" can fall down over part of a dog's face, giving a glamorous look reminiscent of 1940s movie star Veronica Lake. It's a good style for "any dog that has feeling, you know, a sexy dog," she explains. "There's some dogs that have the come-hither look," she says.
There's also the "Rover R-r-r-rug," straight hair that can be used as bangs, and "Buddy Braids," good for a dog with a little hair since they are held on with clips, Regina says.
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