Thursday, September 28, 2006

Meet the trailer trash dolls

A new doll is set to take the US by storm — farting, beer-swilling Jer Wayne Jnr.

Turleen and Jer Wayne Jnr

The 12inch, £20 toy is boyfriend to the world’s first trailer trash doll, pregnant Turleen launched last year. Jer Wayne has a mullet, missing teeth and an earring.

Ever the classy gentleman, Jer Wayne has a button on his chest which - if pressed - helps him break wind or offer wise words such as "Fifteen of dem beers and yer still ugly".

He is clearly a natural match for Turleen, though, as her guttural catchphrases include "Pour me a double, I'm drinkin' fer two" and "If the trailer's a-rockin", don't come aknockin".

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