Monday, October 02, 2006

Dial A Prayer

To keep up with modern times Rome’s enterprising parish of S. Anastasia al Palatino has recently launched their “Pray for Me” call centre.

This service is aimed at all those believers who are too busy to pray. From now on they will simply be able to telephone in their request to the centre and the priests will do the rest, interceding to God on their behalf.

The spiritual call centre is run by 168 volunteers comprising both clergy and laity.

The “Pray for me” telephone number is 066780387. It is possible to leave a request for a prayer on the answering machine at any time seven days a week. On Wednesdays between 21.00-23.00, callers will be able to speak directly to someone who will arrange for their prayers to be said.

“The rest”, says Don Alberto Pacini, the rector of the parish, “is in the hands of the Lord.”

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