He chooses his favorite toy, takes a few warm up laps with his dedicated owner, and then it's time to fly! "C'mon Sisko! Go go go go go! Good boy,” says Rob Barnhill.

Sisko is six years old, an age when some dogs start to slow down just a bit. But there's nothing average about this guy. Owner Rob Barnhill bred his companion from a Chocolate Lab and German Shorthair Pointer to create the perfect bird hunting dog. Mission accomplished.
But Rob also discovered his pal's amazing talent for dog diving, a skill that recently landed Sisko at Purina’s western regional qualifying event in Arizona where he made quite the splash. "And jumped the world record at 28’ 4” with 30 mile an hour winds”, says Barnhill.
It's impressive enough he can fly that far. But it's downright miraculous when you consider what happed to Sisko when he was seven months old. The little guy was run over by a Jeep! His right hind leg so badly broken vets had to install eight pins to put him back together.
With video.
Sisko the Kid also has his own website.
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