Monday, October 30, 2006

Mugged 3 times for gold teeth

A DJ who spent £10,000 setting his teeth in 22-carat gold keeps getting mugged.

Anthony Ghosh has had to flee from yobs three times in six months.

Anthony Ghosh

He said yesterday: “I’ve had knives pulled on me and a gun was put to my head by muggers who said, ‘Open your mouth and hand over the gold’. I had to run for my life.”

Anthony, 28, of Camden, North London — whose hero is the gold-bedecked Mr T of telly’s A-Team — said: “I had my teeth laced with gold because I thought it would be good for my image and career."

His golden pegs add an extra 2lb to his jaw. He said: “My jaw aches now at the end of a day with the weight of all the gold."

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