Friday, November 24, 2006

Jones Soda Thanksgiving Holiday Pack Review

I while back I posted about this pack, and regular visitor Deraser and his family very kindly roadtested the products yesterday.

Here is their review:

We tried the jones soda thanksgiving pack by splitting everything in tiny Dixie cups because the thought of drinking entire bottles of this swill was too much to contemplate. It was utterly hideous.

1. turkey and gravy…imagine sweet, salty CARBONATED turkey. That’s it.

2. dinner roll…slightly sweet, vaguely buttery salt water.

3. pea soda ..smelled like old urine. Very old. We all thought it tasted just as bad as pee might.

4. sweet potato. Actually tasted like sweet potato. I don’t like yams, so this was still gross to me.

5. egg nog..not in the set, but we thought it would be fun to add. Tastes pretty much like real egg nog, but thinner…and carbonated.

6.antacid. Tasted just like pepto, which we needed after we were done.

All in all, a terrible idea, poorly executed. But we got a great laugh out of it.

Thanks again D and the rest of the clan, I'm glad you all lived to tell the tale!

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