Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Huge Brussel Sprout

Weighing nearly one and a half pounds, this supersize veg is 50 times heavier than the average sprout.

It was discovered by market gardener Carol Farley, of Culm Valley Organics, Uffculme, Devon, growing alongside its normal- size siblings. Mrs Farley, 41, said yesterday: "We've got over an acre of sprout plants growing which is thousands of plants and this one sprout was growing in the middle on a stalk.

Brussel sprout

"We use plenty of farmyard manure to fertilise the plants. Maybe that's the secret." The farm is run by a team which includes Mrs Farley and her husband Gary, 43, and Gary's brother Neil, 35, and his wife Susie.

Susie Farley, 33, said the enormous sprout was "a freak of nature", adding: "It was incredible to see this single, huge sprout on a stalk of its own. We didn't know it was growing so large because we only pick to order."

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