Thursday, January 25, 2007

The curious incident of the fox in the shoe shop

A nosy fox has forced a trendy shoe shop to shut its doors for the day.

Customers might expect an apologetic notice on a shop door to offer staff shortages, bad weather or a power cut as an excuse.

But a vulpine answer to Imelda Marcos was to blame for uproar at the Office store in Portobello Road, West London.

The fox followed a shopper inside before wandering nonchalantly around the footwear displays, then settling down with some trainers.

Shop manager Sarah Adeyemi said: 'Nobody even noticed him when he first walked in because he was just trotting along behind a woman and a pram, minding his mown business.

'We often deal with wasps and pigeons but have never had a fox to visit.'

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