Sunday, January 28, 2007

'Giant' 17-pound baby born in Brazil

A woman in Brazil gave birth Wednesday to a boy that doctors have nicknamed "giant baby." The infant weighs 17 pounds, about the average size of a six-month-old. He was delivered by Caesarean section.

The boy's 38-year-old mother is diabetic, a condition which can commonly cause women to give birth to larger babies. The boy, named Ademilton dos Santos, is receiving oxygen due to breathing problems and is being given an intravenous glucose solution to maintain a safe blood sugar level.

The director of the hospital in Cajazeiras, an area in north eastern Brazil, said the boy is otherwise in good health. Doctors say the mother Francisca Ramos dos Santos is feeling well after her surgery.

He is the heaviest baby ever born in Brazil, according to Brazilian medical officials.

With photo and video.

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