Two Sumatran tiger cubs and two baby orang-utans, each pair abandoned by their mother soon after birth, have become inseparable playmates in the nursery room of an animal hospital in Indonesia.

Nia and Irma happily snuggle up to the cubs in a way that five-month-old orang-utan sisters would never normally contemplate.
Likewise, Dema and his month-old sister Manis are quite content to snooze in the gentle embrace of their tiny guardians' arms.

Both pairs are bottle-fed by staff at the Taman Safari animal hospital in Java, and monitored constantly as they grow up side by side in what must be one of nature's most unusual foursomes.
So far the study has revealed that the apes like to swing from ropes and high bars in the nursery, while the cubs enjoy a cat-nap after lunch.
There are more photos here.
Update: And a video here.
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