Thursday, February 15, 2007

Garden feud woman bit off neighbour's finger

A feud over the garden fence about "sabotaged" geranium beds led to a pensioner biting off her neighbour's finger.

Pamela Fox, 65, is alleged to have poured a caustic substance over the borders and lawn of Marija Andric, 50, after believing that Miss Andric had damaged her flowers at her home in Maidenhead, Berks.

Mrs Fox confronted Miss Andric, who opened her door to find Fox pointing an aerosol spray at her face.

Olive Lycourgou, prosecuting, at Reading Crown Court, Berks, said: "Miss Andric put her hands up to protect her face. Mrs Fox leaned in and bit off the end of Miss Andric's little finger." After the alleged assault she said Fox spat blood out of her mouth and ran away. Surgeons were unable to reattach the finger.

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