Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Honk for Jesus

Noise complaints have been brewing in Naugatuck since two local business owners have asked drivers to voice their opinions by honking their horns.

You could call it a battle of biblical terms. Along one of Naugatuck's busiest streets, a sign of faith is generating more than prayers. In a plaza on Rubber Avenue, business owner Claudette Soden placed a sign in the parking lot that said, "Easter: Beep for Christ."

An owner of a shop that puts photos onto DVDs placed a sign in front of a parking lot, which is used by both businesses, that says, "Easter: Beep for Christ."

"People are beeping. It seems like they are for it, that's why they are beeping," said Soden.

After the horns started honking outside her neighbour, the No Regrets Tattoo Shop posted their own sign, "Honk Twice for the Devil". The two opposing views made headlines this holy week.

For zoning reasons, the town asked the two to take their signs down. The owner of the tattoo shop said that his sign had nothing to do with good or evil. He says his customer come from all religious backgrounds and that Soden's sign was disturbing his business.

With news video.

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