Sunday, April 01, 2007

McSoft Inc

At 12:00 EST on 1/4/2007 there will be an official announcement regarding the merger between McDonalds and Microsoft.

For several years now the two companies have been investigating ways a partnership could benefit not just them in the fast food and computer sectors but over the whole business community.

However, there has been a disturbing trend recently by governments to interfere in their respective businesses. They decided they cannot stand idly by and let arrogant bodies like the United States government and the European Union dictate to them how they should run a business, whether it be in the fast food sector or the computer industry. They cannot, and will not, tolerate this any longer.

By joining forces they will

1. Have an extra massive legal department so no governments can argue with them.

2. Be extra right so no governments can argue with them.

3. Make extra obscene amounts of money so they can get any law they want.

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